Applications of Networks, Sensors and Autonomous Systems Analytics
4 contributors - Hardback
Dr. Jyotsna Kumar Mandal(F232495) has done M. Tech. in Computer Science, CU, Ph. D. (Eng.) in Computer Science and Engineering JU. Dr. Jyotsna Kumar Mandal is a professor of CSE, KU, former dean, FETM, KU director, IQAC, and has34 years of teaching and research experience in coding theory, data and network security and authentication; remote sensing and GIS-based applications, data compression, error correction, visual cryptography, and steganography. Dr. Jyotsna Kumar Mandal awarded 24 Ph. D. degrees, one submitted and eight are pursuing and supervised 03 M. Phil, more than 80 M. Tech and more than 130 M.C.A. Dissertations. Dr. Jyotsna Kumar Mandal is a guest editor of MST Journal (SCI indexed) of Springer. Dr. Jyotsna Kumar Mandal published more than 400 research articles out of which 180 articles in international journals, published eight books. And Dr. Jyotsna Kumar Mandal published a text book on Reversible Steganography and Authentication via Transform Encoding from Springer. Dr. Jyotsna Kumar Mandal completed five research projects. Higher Education Department, Government of West Bengal, India, conferred him “Siksha Ratna” award for outstanding performance in education in 2018.
Professor Mike Hinchey is President of IFIP, emeritus director of Lero-the Science Foundation Ireland Center for Software, and Professor of Software Engineering at University of Limerick, Ireland. He was the director of the NASA Software Engineering Laboratory. As the holder of 30 US patents, in 2009 he was awarded NASA’s Kerley Award as Innovator of the Year and is recognized in the NASA Inventors Hall of Fame. He received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Cambridge, is an Honorary Fellow of the CSI, India, and was SEARCC Global ICT Professional of the Year 2018. He was the chair of IEEE UK & Ireland Section for 2018-2019. He is the author/editor of more than 20 books and over 200 papers on various aspects of computing, software engineering, and autonomous systems. He is an editor-in-chief of Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering: a NASA Journal (Springer) and Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society (Springer).
Dr. Sabyasachi Sen received bachelor (B.Sc. (Honors in Physics)), Masters (Physics with Electronics specialization), Ph.D. (Sc) from the prestigious University of Calcutta and post-doctoral work with Dr. Swapan Chakrabarti, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Calcutta. My area of research interest is molecular nanoelectronics and spintronics having 30 published research papers in journal of international repute. Dr. Sabyasachi Sen received Sir Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy Award, 2007-08 from University of Calcutta.Dean-Research and Development, JIS.
Dr. Papun Biswas received Ph.D. (Engg.) from University of Kalyani and Masters (Electrical Power) from University of Calcutta. His area of research interest is application of soft computing and multi-objective optimization in electrical engineering and various real-life problems. He has published more than 35 research papers in various journal, book chapters. and international conferences. He has worked as an editor for two Springer conference proceedings books, Advancements of Medical Electronics (Lecture Notes in Bioengineering book series (LNBE)) in 2015 and Industry Interactive Innovations in Science, Engineering. and Technology.