Greening the Civil Codes: Comparative Private Law and Environmental Protection
Sabrina Lanni - Hardback
Sabrina Lanni is a Professor of Private Comparative Law at the Department of International, Legal, Historical and Political Studies in the Milan University (Italy). She has been a visiting researcher fellow several times at European and Latin-American Universities, where an enduring and fruitful scientific collaboration began with many foreign colleagues. She has been a member of many national and international research projects in the fields of civil law, torts law, and consumer law. Recently, with the Project ENFASIS (European Novel Foods Agreement and Sustainable Intercultural Systems), she was awarded the Jean Monnet Chair for the years 2020-2023 by the European Union. As both main author and co-author, she has published more than 60 scientific works on Civil Law & New Trends in Private Law Codifications, Latin-American Law, Indigenous Peoples’ Rights, Consumer Law, Contract Law, Tort Liability, Comparative Food Law & Sustainability, Consumer Law & New Technologies. More information is available at the personal webpage: https://www.sabrinalanni.eu