Ant Reputation Game Model - An Evolved Transmitting Method in MANETs
S Ramesh - Paperback
K. Palanikumar is Professor and Principal at Sri Sai Ram Institute of Technology, Chennai, India. He has more than 25 years of experience in teaching and research, has received a “National Best Researcher Award from ISTE, and published more than 100 papers in SCI Journals. He is a life member of the Indian Tribology Society, the Indian Society for Non- Destructive testing (ISNT), the Indian Welding Society, the Indian Society for Technical Education, a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers (India) and a Fellow of the Indian Institution of Production Engineers. His current research focuses on the machining of composite materials, modern manufacturing, optimization, simulation and modeling. Elango Natarajan is a Chartered Mechanical Engineer (CEng.), who specialized in Mechanical Engineering Design, CAE, Optimization and Soft Robotics. He has worked for engineering colleges/universities for 20+ years in various academic positions. He has completed four funded projects worth of RM 386,000 and is currently working on two funded projects worth RM 227,000. He has published 63 research articles in refereed journals. His current area of research includes machining of composite materials and optimization, machine learning in manufacturing, finite element analysis, and soft robotics. S. Ramesh is attached to the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Presidency University. He served at engineering colleges and Universities for over 25 years in various academic positions and also spent 3 years in industry. He spent two years in Ethiopia at Mekelle University under the Ministry of Higher Education sponsored by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). He received the Best Administrator award 2016 from Dr Kalam Educational Trust, Chennai. He is an active researcher in the field of Manufacturing Engineering and presently is guiding 7 PhD research scholars. He has produced 10 PhD scholars and contributed more than 100 research articles in refereed journals. He was recognized for inclusion as a biographee in 2013 (30th edition) of Marquis’ Who’s Who in the World. J. Paulo Davim is a Full Professor at the University of Aveiro, Portugal. He is also an honorary professor in several universities/colleges in China, India and Spain. He has more than 30 years of teaching and research experience in manufacturing, materials, mechanical and industrial engineering, with special emphasis in machining and tribology. He has worked as an evaluator of projects for the European Research Council (ERC) and other international research agencies as well as an examiner of Ph.D. theses for many universities in different countries. He is the editor-in-chief of several international journals, guest editor of several journals, series editor for Elsevier’s Woodhead Publishing Reviews: Mechanical Engineering book series, and scientific advisor for many international journals and conferences. Presently, he is an editorial board member of 30 international journals and acts as reviewer for more than 100 prestigious journals. In addition, he has also published as editor (and co-editor) more than 150 books and as author (and co-author) more than 15 books, 100 book chapters and 500 articles in journals and conferences. He has published more than 280 articles in prestigious journals.