Aspects of Biography
Andre Maurois - Paperback
Christian Morals
Thomas Browne - Paperback
Lives of Donne and Herbert
Izaak Walton - Paperback
Adventures with Authors
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Doctor Johnson and Others
Pembroke College Cambridge
Aubrey Attwater - Paperback
A Frenchman in England 1784
François de la Rochefoucauld - Paperback
Dr Campbell's Diary of a Visit to England in 1775
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Springs of Hellas and Other Essays by T. R. Glover
2 authors - Paperback
Anecdotes of the Late Samuel Johnson
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An Eighteenth Century Gentlemen and Other Essays
The Journal of a Tour to Corsica
James Boswell - Paperback
Holmes & Watson
S C Roberts - Hardback
Zuleika in Cambridge