Ryan McGlen Author

David Reay manages David Reay & Associates, UK, is a Visiting Professor at Northumbria University, Researcher at Newcastle University, and Honorary Professor at Nottingham University, UK. His main research interests are compact heat exchangers, process intensification, and heat pumps. He is also Editor-in-Chief of Applied Thermal Engineering and Author/Co-author of eight other books, including the second edition of Process Intensification published in 2013. Ryan McGlen is Senior Advanced Technologies Engineer at Thermacore Europe Ltd. where he leads research and development of future heat pipe technologies. Current research interests include novel heat pipe materials and working fluids combinations and additive layer manufacture of aluminium heat pipes with complex 3D Sintered Style wicks (SSHP). Peter Kew first became involved in heat pipes in the late 1970s as a research officer with International Research and Development working on a range of heat transfer and energy conservation projects, including heat pipe development which was then led by David Reay. He has maintained this interest for over 20 years as a Lecturer and Senior Lecturer at Heriot-Watt University researching evaporative heat transfer. Currently Dr Kew is Associate Head of the School of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Heriot-Watt University responsible for the School’s activities on the Dubai Campus of the University.