Data Security in Cloud Computing
3 contributors - Hardback
Dr Vimal Kumar is a Lecturer at the University of Waikato in New Zealand where his research interests are in the development of secure Wireless Sensor Networks, Sensor Clouds and Internet of Things. He is also interested in solving security challenges in cloud computing and personal wearable devices. Dr Sivadon Chaisiri is currently a Research Fellow at the University of Waikato's Cyber Security Lab and is conducting cyber security research in STRATUS, a cloud security project funded by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, New Zealand. He was the Principal Investigator of a mobile security project funded by InternetNZ and a privacy management project funded by the Office of Privacy Commissioner, New Zealand. His research interests include Cyber Security Economics, Context-aware Security, and Stochastic Optimisation. Dr Ryan Ko is an Associate Professor at the University of Waikato, New Zealand. He heads the cyber security programme, serves as the Research Adviser for the Cloud Security Alliance's Asia Pacific Region, and is International Faculty Member at Idaho State University, USA. He is Principal Investigator of the 6-year NZD12.23 million MBIE science investment project - STRATUS (Security Technologies Returning Accountability, Trust and User-Centric Services in the Cloud), and editor of the ISO/IEC 21878 standard - Security guidelines for the design and implementation of virtualized servers.