Healthcare Big Data Analytics
4 contributors - Hardback
Dr Seifedine Kadry has a Bachelor degree in 1999 from Lebanese University, MS degree in 2002 from Reims University (France) and EPFL (Lausanne), PhD in 2007 from Blaise Pascal University (France), HDR degree in 2017 from Rouen University. At present his research focuses on Data Science, education using technology, system prognostics, stochastic systems, and applied mathematics. He is an ABET program evaluator for computing, and ABET program evaluator for Engineering Tech. He is a Fellow of IET, Fellow of IETE, and Fellow of IACSIT. He is a distinguish speaker of IEEE Computer Society. Dr. Vandana Sharma is an Associate Professor at CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Delhi NCR, India. She is a Senior Member of IEEE, member of Women in Engineering Society and member of IEEE Consumer Technology Society popularly known as CTSoc. As a keen researcher, she has published 50+ research papers in SCI and Scopus-indexed international journals and conferences. Dr. Sharma has contributed voluntarily as a keynote speaker, session chair, Reviewer and Technical Program Committee (TPC) member for reputed International Journals and IEEE Conferences and has presented her work across India and abroad. Her primary areas of interest include Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain Technology and the Internet of Things (IoT). Dr. Dhanaraj holds a PhD in Information and Communication Engineering by Anna University, Chennai, India. His research and publication interests include cyber-physical systems, wireless sensor networks, and cloud computing. He is a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), a member of the Computer Science Teacher Association (CSTA) and of the International Association of Engineers (IAENG). He is an Expert Advisory Panel Member of Texas Instruments Inc. (USA), and an Associate Editor of International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications (Emerald Publishing). Dr. Rutvij H. Jhaveri is an experienced researcher working in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Pandit Deendayal Energy University (PDEU/PDPU), Gandhinagar, India He was among top 2% of scientists around the world as per the 2021 statistics provided by Stanford University and Elsevier. He serves as an editor/ guest editor in various journals of repute, he also serves as a reviewer in several international journals and also as a program committee member/reviewer in renowned international conferences. He authored several papers/book-chapters published by prominent publishing houses such as IEEE, Springer, Elsevier, Wiley, Hindawi, ACM, IET, INTECH and others. Apart from Senior Member of IEEE (SMIEEE), he possesses memberships in technical societies CSI, ISTE, IAENG, IDES and others. He is a member of the Research Advisory Board in Symbiosis Institute of Digital and Telecom Management since 2021. In 2017, he was awarded "Pedagogical Innovation Award" by Gujarat Technological University. Dr. S. Gandhiya Vendhan has been awarded Post-Doctoral Fellow from Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) New Delhi, IIT, India, Ph.D., M.Tech in Information Technology from Anna University and Six Sigma Black Belt from Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) and also Data Science, Big Data & IoT from SAS. He completed his M.Sc, M.Phil in Statistics from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. He is having 8 years of teaching experience and 10 years of research experience. He received Independent Scientist Awards 2020 from You Tube. He has published 30+ papers in top journals.