Ruti Talmor Author

Ruti Talmor is Associate Professor of Media Studies at Pitzer College and Chair of the Intercollegiate Media Studies Program at the Claremont Colleges. As a cultural anthropologist, an art curator, and professor of media studies, Talmor’s interdisciplinary work centers how people use aesthetic objects and practices to craft a place for themselves in the world. This diverse but inter-related body of work sits at the intersection of the anthropology of art, media, and visual culture; the scholarship on migration, mobility, and global capitalism; gender and sexuality studies; and critical curatorial practice. Talmor has been a fellow of the Getty Foundation, the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, the Social Science Research Council, the Mellon Foundation, the McCracken Foundation, and the University of Michigan’s Center for Afroamerican and African Studies.