Person of No Nationality
Ruth Barnett - Paperback
Born in 1935 in Berlin as Ruth Michaelis, the author came to England on the Kindertransport in 1939 spending the next 10 years with foster parents. She went to Petersfield High School and in 1953 she went to Reading University where she studied dairying and met her future husband, Bernard Barnett, a psychoanalyst. In 1958 she converted to Judaism. She had a career as a secondary school teacher for 19 years focuisng on children with adjustment problems, including seven years as deputy head of Reynolds High School in Acton, London. She retired from teaching in 1986 to set up her own psychotherapy practice and worked with members of families affected by the Holocaust. Today, she links these two main themes in projects on Holocaust education in Germany and Great Britain. She has three children and lives in West Hampstead in London. Select Bibliography: Books People Making People: Child Development in Context, by Ruth Barnett published by Nelson Thornes Ltd, 1985. Articles The Acculturation of the Kindertransport Children: Intergenerational Dialogue on the Kindertransport Experience paper in Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies 23:1, pps101-108 (2004) Children: The Invisible Victims of War" edited by Dr Martin Parsons, published by DCM in 2008. (chapter on the Kindertransport)