Ruth Anne Rehfeldt Editor

Ruth Anne Rehfeldt is the Dean at Waubonsee Community College. She has contributed both basic and applied research that is impressive for its bench-to-bedside translation in the area of derived stimulus relations. Her work has contributed to the understanding of complex forms of human behavior, focusing on verbal behavior, rule governance, observational learning, stimulus equivalence, and perspective-taking.

Traci M. Cihon is an Associate Professor at the University of North Texas. She has previously contributed to several books and journals on topics of her primary research interests which include cultural behavioral systems science, social responsibility and cooperation, behavioral approaches to education (e.g., language acquisition, reading instruction, Precision Teaching), and interdisciplinary collaboration.

Erin B. Rasmussen is a Professor of Experimental Psychology at Idaho State University. Her research interests are broadly in the area of behavioral economics and behavioral pharmacology. Her specific work, which has been funded by the National Institutes of Health, focuses on behavioral economic factors that influence food-based choice related to obesity in both humans and rats.