Russell J Skiba Editor

Russell J. Skiba is Professor in School Psychology and Director of the Equity Project at Indiana University, USA. He is among the most cited researchers in the nation on racial and ethnic disparities in school discipline. In addition to numerous publications in peer-reviewed journals and book chapters, he has consulted with numerous states and districts on school discipline, school violence, and reducing disparities.

Kavitha Mediratta is Chief Strategy Advisor for Equity Initiatives and Human Capital Development at The Atlantic Philanthropies. She is a national leader in reforming zero tolerance school discipline and improving educational systems. In addition to publications on those topics, she has authored numerous publications and book chapters on community organizing and grassroots activism for public education reform. 

M. Karega Rausch is Adjunct Faculty member at Indiana University, USA. He has authored or co-authored more than twenty professional publications with an emphasis on racial/ethnic disproportionality in school discipline and special education. He is also a sought after speaker and expert in charter school accountability.