End of a Century
Run Wrake - Hardback
Run Wrake was born John Wrake, in Yemen in 1965 – his father was a chaplain in the British Army – and brought up in Sussex. At a school cricket game, with Wrake rooted to the spot at the wicket, his schoolmates shouted “run, run”, and the nickname stuck. Wrake studied graphic design at the Chelsea College of Art and later went on to the Royal College of Art, where his contemporaries included Karen Kelly, Stuart Hilton, Philip Hunt and Sarah Kennedy. He went on to become one of the most important graphic designers, illustrators and animators of his generation. Throughout his career, he worked extensively with U2, The Rolling Stones and many other bands (collaborating with Roy Lichtenstein, among others). After being diagnosed with cancer in November 2011, Run Wrake died in October 2012, aged 48.