Ruling Meng Author

Ruling Meng is the editor of Fabrication of Long-Length and Bulk High-Temperature Superconductors, published by Wiley.

Amit Goyal is the Director of the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary RENEW Institute at SUNY-Buffalo in Buffalo, New York. He is also Empire Innovation Professor at SUNY-Buffalo.

Winnie Wong-Ng is the editor of Fabrication of Long-Length and Bulk High-Temperature Superconductors, published by Wiley.

Kaname Matsumoto is the editor of Fabrication of Long-Length and Bulk High-Temperature Superconductors, published by Wiley.

Herbert C. Freyhardt is the editor of Fabrication of Long-Length and Bulk High-Temperature Superconductors, published by Wiley.