Rufino Acosta Naranjo Author & Editor

Teresa Pinto-Correia is a Portuguese geographer, with a record of publications on the dynamics and change of European rural landscapes at multiple scales, with a particular focus on silvo-pastoral systems of Iberia. She is full professor at university of Évora and the director of MED (, a R&I unit of 180 researchers, with a systemic and interdisciplinary perspective on Mediterranean agriculture and environment.

Helena Guimarães is a Portuguese environmental scientist, researcher at MED, and coordinator of the thematic line: Transdisciplinarity and co-construction of knowledge of LABscape – Mediterranean Landscape Systems Lab and Co-coordinator of MED thematic Line: Governance and Rural Dynamics.

Gerardo Moreno, is a Spanish biologist, specialized on soil science and agroforestry, focussed on the study of the functioning, management and provision of ecosystem services by Iberian dehesas. He is full professor at university of Extremadura and member of INDEHSA (Institute for the study of Iberian Dehesas;

Rufino Acosta Naranjo is a Spanish anthropologist and professor of the University of Seville, specialized on Ecological Anthropology and Rural Societies focusing on traditional agro-ecosystems, in particular the dehesa, as well as on Agroecology, and biodiversity. He is currently working on initiatives against rural depopulation.