Rüdiger Hehlmann Editor

Rüdiger Hehlmann is a Professor of Medicine at the Mannheim Medical Faculty of the University of Heidelberg, Germany. Professor Hehlmann is past Chief of Medicine at Mannheim, past President of the German Society of Hematology and Oncology, past Dean of his faculty, and past Secretary General of the International Association of Comparative Research on Leukemia and Related Diseases (IACRLRD). He is founder and chair of the German CML Study Group, of the German Competence Network on acute and chronic leukemias, and of the European LeukemiaNet. He is an honorary member of the Polish and German Societies for Hematology and honorary doctor of the University of Uppsala, Sweden. He has received various awards for leukemia research and interdisciplinary cooperation. His research interests focus on leukemia, in particular CML, on mechanisms of leukemogenesis, and on progression to blast crisis.