Roy Harris is Emeritus Professor of General Linguistics in the University of Oxford and an Honorary Fellow of St Edmund Hall.
Signs of Writing
Roy Harris - Hardback
The Language Myth in Western Culture
Roy Harris - Paperback
The Great Debate about Art
Course in General Linguistics
Ferdinand de Saussure - Paperback
Signs, Language and Communication
Language, Saussure and Wittgenstein
2 authors - Paperback
Landmarks In Linguistic Thought Volume I
3 authors - Paperback
The Linguistics of History
Saussure and his Interpreters
Deutsche Grammatik Ed1 V3
Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm - Hardback
Deutsche Grammatik V3 V7
Rationality and the Literate Mind
3 authors - Hardback
Deutsche Grammatik V4 V8
2 authors - Hardback
Definition in Theory and Practice
The AIDS Covenant
Undersogelse Gamie Nordiske V2
Rasmus Rask - Hardback
Vergleichende Gram Pts1-3 V10
Franz Bopp - Hardback
Vergleichende Gram Pts4-6 V11