Rowena Maguire Editor & Author

Hugh Breakey is a Research Fellow at Griffith University's Key Centre for Ethics, Law, Justice and Governance, Australia. His work stretches across the philosophical sub-disciplines of political theory, legal philosophy, normative ethics and applied philosophy. He is the author of Intellectual Liberty: Natural Rights and Intellectual Property (Ashgate). His works explore the ethical issues arising in such diverse fields as peacekeeping, institutional governance, climate change, sustainable tourism, private property, medicine and international law. Since 2013, Hugh has served as President of the Australian Association for Professional and Applied Ethics.

Vesselin Popovski is Vice Dean and Executive Director of the Centre for United Nations Studies at Jindal Global University in India. He previously worked as Senior Academic Officer at the United Nations University in Tokyo, Director of the EU project `Legal Protection of Individual Rights in Russia' (2002-2004), lecturer at the University of Exeter, UK (1999-2002), Research Fellow, NATO Democratic Institutions Programme (1996-1998) and Bulgarian diplomat (1988-1996) serving in Sofia, New York and London. He currently sits on the Advisory Board of the `Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies' and of the Editorial Boards of `International Studies Review' and of `Sustainability Science'. He has published numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals and authored and edited over twenty books.

Rowena Maguire is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Law and Co-Chair of the International Law and Global Governance Research Program at the Queensland University of Technology. Rowena's principal research interests and publications concern international climate and forest regulation with a focus on equitable design and implementation.