Prudentius - Paperback
Susanne Denham received her Ph.D. in applied developmental psychology in 1985, after 11 years as a school psychologist. Her research involves social-emotional development, particularly in preschoolers. She is following a longitudinal sample of children she has known since age 3 – examining their emotional competence, its socialization, and its contribution to social competence – and is also studying a little-studied aspect of children’s development – forgiveness. With Dr. Burton, she spearheaded a successful social-emotional prevention program for daycare children in Northern Virginia in the early 1990s.
Rosemary Burton received her Ph.D. in education in 1995, after years as both an early childhood teacher and daycare director. She trains myriad teachers in her role as director of operations for Minnieland Private Day Schools throughout several states, as well as in her role as community college professor, and in these roles has promoted social-emotional prevention and intervention programming for preschoolers as a vital enterprise.