Electrically Based Microstructural Characterization II: Volume 500
3 contributors - Hardback
Ashutosh Tiwari is Secretary General, International Association of Advanced Materials; Chairman and Managing Director of Tekidag AB (Innotech); Associate Professor and Group Leader, Smart Materials and Biodevices at the world premier Biosensors and Bioelectronics Centre, IFM-Linköping University; Editor-in-Chief, Advanced Materials Letters; a materials chemist and docent in the Applied Physics with the specialization of Biosensors and Bioelectronics from Linköping University, Sweden. He has more than 100 peer-reviewed primary research publications in the field of materials science and nanotechnology and has edited/authored more than 35 books on advanced materials and technology. He is the founder member and chair of American, Asian, European and Advanced Materials World Congress, Smart Materials and Surfaces, Global & European Graphene Forum, International Conference on Smart Energy Technologies, International Conference on Material Science and Technology and World Technology Forum.
Rosario A. Gerhardt is currently Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology, where she has taught introductory materials science to over 2000 undergraduates over the years. She was named Goizueta Foundation Faculty Chair in 2015 in recognition of her teaching, research and service contributions. She was also the recipient of an IAAM Medal in 2015. Her research group has characterized the properties and microstructure of many materials including porous silica, bulk ferroelectrics and thin film heterostructures, as well as numerous ceramic matrix and polymer matrix composites as a function of size, shape and distribution of the fillers
Magdalena Szutkowska isaProfessor at the Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Technology and head of the Materials Testing Laboratory, Cracow, Poland. She also served for six years as the Head of the Department of Engineering and Materials Technology at the Pedagogical University of Cracow. She is currently involved in the manufacturing and testing of new composite ceramics based on alumina, hard metals and superhard materials in order to improve the fracture toughness of ceramics designed for cutting tools.
She is the author and co-author of more than 120 papers, three monographs, a few chapters in books and the co-author of 5 patents. She has been awarded the Golden Cross of Merit by the President of the Polish Republic and honoured with the prestigious "IAAM Scientist Award".