Rosa Luxemburg (1870-1919). Polish-born revolutionary who was a leader of the left-wing movement in Germany from 1898 until her murder in 1919.
Translated by Agnes Schwarzschild.
The Accumulation of Capital
Rosa Luxemburg - Paperback
The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg Volume III
Rosa Luxemburg - Hardback
Reform or Revolution and Other Writings
2 authors - Paperback
Rosa Luxemburg: Socialism or Barbarism
3 authors - Paperback
Briefe aus dem Gefängnis
The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg, Volume I
Reform or Revolution
Einführung in die Nationalökonomie
The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg Volume V
Writings of Rosa Luxemburg
The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg Volume IV
Reform or Revolution & The Mass Strike
Briefe Aus Dem Gefangnis
The Accumulation Of Capital