Rona Tamiko Halualani Author & Editor

Rona Tamiko Halualani is Associate professor in Department of Communication Studies at San Jose State University. She is the author of In the Name of Hawaiians: Native Identities and Cultural Politics (U Minn 2002) and publishes widely on issues of intercultural contact, race relations, and diversity. In 2005, Dr. Halualani was selected as a 2005-06 Carnegie Scholar by the prestigious Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (located at Stanford University).

Thomas K. Nakayamais currently professor in the Hugh Downs School of Human Communication and founding director of Asian Pacific American Studies at Arizona State University. He is the author of numerous books and is currently the editor of the Journal of International and Intercultural Communication. He is a fellow of the International Academy of Intercultural Research, a former Fulbrighter at the Université de Mons-Hainaut in Belgium, Libra Professor at the University of Maine, and he served on the Board of Directors of the Arizona Humanities Council.