Romeela Mohee Author

Romeela Mohee, PhD, is Professor of Environmental Engineering in the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering at the University of Mauritius. She obtained her PhD at the University of Mauritius in 1998, and her primary research interests are in waste containment, solid waste management and treatment by anaerobic digestion and composting, beneficial reuse of waste materials, and heat and mass transfer modeling. An eminent international consultant in environmental science and energy issues, Dr. Mohee has authored or contributed to over 70 international publications on waste biotreatment, including four books and numerous conference papers and consultancy reports.

Ackmez Mudhoo, MPhil, is Lecturer in the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering at the University of Mauritius. His main research interests encompass the design of composting systems, analysis of composting processes, and the biological treatment of solid wastes and wastewater. He has dozens of international journal publications and conference papers to his credit. He is also a peer reviewer on numerous journals, and is the editor-in-chief for two international research journals.