Roman Krzemien Author

Wladyslaw Izdebski
Wladyslaw Izdebski is a certified bridge teacher and the author of twenty books and hundreds of articles on bridge theory.

Roman Krzemien
Roman Krzemien is a certified bridge teacher, author of four bridge books, and has trained and captained the Polish National Women's Team for many years.

Ron Klinger
Ron Klinger is a leading international bridge teacher and has represented Australia in over 20 world championships since 1976. An Australian Grand Master and a World Bridge Federation International Master, he has written over 60 books, some of which have been translated into Bulgarian, Chinese, Danish, French, Hebrew and Icelandic. Two of his titles - Guide to Better Card Play and Right Through the Pack Again - won Book of the Year awards. He has created many new bridge ideas and devised a number of conventions. He lives in NSW, Australia, and has written a daily bridge column in The Sydney Morning Herald and The Sun-Herald for over 15 years.