Roman Canlas Author

Roman Canlas is a Senior Application Security Engineer working at a Fortune 500 company where he successfully established its global Application Security program from the ground up. His years of experience as a developer-led him to be an expert in Secure Code reviews and Static Application Security testing, focusing on web technologies. Roman held multiple certifications; the GIAC Web Application Penetration Tester (GWAPT), ISC2's Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional (CSSLP), and EC-Council's Certified Application Security Engineer in .NET (CASE.NET). Roman also has a Master's degree in Information Systems and a Bachelors in Computer Science. Ed Price is a Senior Program Manager in Engineering at Microsoft, with an MBA in technology management. He leads Microsoft's efforts to publish Reference Architectures on the Azure Architecture Center. Previously, he drove datacenter deployment and customer feedback, and he ran Microsoft's customer feedback programs for Azure development, Service Fabric, IoT, Functions, and Visual Studio. He was also a technical writer at Microsoft for 6 years and helped lead TechNet Wiki. He is the co-author of five books, including Learn to Program with Small Basic and ASP.NET Core 5 for Beginners from Packt.