Romain Jeantet Editor & Author

Cécile Le Floch-Fouéré is an assistant professor in the Food Science and Engineering Department AGROCAMPUS OUEST, Rennes, France since 2008. Her primary area of expertise is process engineering and dairy technology at research unit "Science and Technology of Milk and Egg" in Rennes. Cécile received her PhD in 2008 in Biophysics from The University of Rennes 1. Since 2017, she is leader of Spray-drying - Concentrated Matrices - Functionalities team. Her current research focuses on the understanding of the interface formation mechanism during the drying process of food powders. Up to now, Cécile participated to the supervision on 6 MSc and 11 PhD students and co-authored about 30 publications in peer-review journals, 67 conferences and posters, 2 books including 3 chapters.

Pierre Schuck had a Master degree in Food Science and Technology and obtained his PhD in Physicochemistry and Quality of Bio-Products in 1999. He is currently a research engineer at the research unit "Science and Technology of Milk and Egg" at INRAE (French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment) in Rennes. Before this academic position, he was in charge of a spray drying equipment in one of the main dairy industrial groups in France. His main interest is spray drying of dairy products with a particular interest for the physical mechanisms of water transfer and for the influence of the physico-chemical parameters before, during and after spray drying on the properties of the dairy powders. His expertise is well recognized in the field and Dr P. Schuck is referred to as consultant in many dairy industries in the world. His scientific contribution led to 116 papers in peer-reviewed journals, 112 conferences and posters, 7 Patents - 37 Licences, 11 Books and 26 Book Chapters.

Gaëlle Tanguy is working as a research engineer at INRAE (French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment), in the dairy processing team of the research Unit "Science and Technology of Milk and Egg" in Rennes. Her current research focuses on the concentration by vacuum evaporation of dairy products, more especially the behavior of dairy components during the concentration in relation to the operation and the fouling of falling-film evaporators. She co-authored about 14 publications in peer-reviewed journals.

Luca Lanotte is a researcher of the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE). His primary area of expertise is linked to the physics and the rheology of dairy biocolloids at the research unit "Science and Technology of Milk and Egg" in Rennes (France). Luca obtained his Ph.D. in Physics and Chemical engineering in 2013. The Ph.D. project (Vinci Project 2009) was realized in collaboration between the University Federico II of Napoli (Italy) and the University Joseph Fourier of Grenoble (France). Currently, his research activity focuses on the physico-chemical mechanisms characterizing the drying in mixes of dairy proteins. Up to now, Luca co-mentored 6 MSc and 1 Ph.D student. He co-authored 15 publications in peer-review journals and his works were presented in 28 international/national conferences and meetings.

Romain Jeantet is currently a food engineering professor and deputy director of Research at Agrocampus Ouest (Rennes, France), and an adjunct professor of chemical engineering at Suzhou University (China). As well and since 2009, he is deputy director of the research unit "Science and Technology of Milk and Egg" in Rennes, which represents a 83-permanent staff and 25 PhD students. During his PhD and until 2001, he was first involved in research topics dealing with nanofiltration, then pulsed electric fields applied to dairy and egg products until 2004. Since 2003, his research activity has been focusing on concentration, spray drying, storage and rehydration of dairy products with a particular interest for the control of the heat and mass transfer involved and for the influence of the process parameters on the final functional properties of the dairy products. His scientific contribution led to 110 papers in peer-reviewed journals, 120 conferences and posters, 2 software programs (36 licenses sold) and 5 patents, 13 books including 81 chapters and 10 other book chapters.