Rolf D Cremer Author

Julie Davies is a Professor, Director of (E)MBA Health programmes and Deputy Director (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) at the Global Business School for Health, a start-up business school, in University College London (UCL). She initiated and facilitated the International Deans’ Programme (2008–2015).

Howard Thomas is a ‘serial dean’ having held deanships in Asia, Europe and North America. He is a well-regarded and highly cited scholar in the fields of strategic management and management education. He is an Emeritus Professor and former Dean at LKCSB, Singapore Management University, and currently a Special Advisor at EFMD Global.

Eric Cornuel has been President of EFMD Global since 2000. He is an acknowledged expert and authority on management education and a recipient of the Légion d’honneur for services to education. He is also a Professor at HEC, Paris, and the University of Louvain, Belgium.

Rolf D. Cremer has also been a successful ‘serial dean’ particularly in China and the Asia-Pacific as well as President of EBS, Wiesbaden. He is also the recipient of the Magnolia Award from the city of Shanghai. He is currently a Professor in the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.