Madame Bovary
Gustave Flaubert - Paperback
Lori Kenschaft is an independent scholar, teacher, and organizer with special interests in Islam, economic inequality, and reforming the criminal justice system. She has taught at Boston University and Harvard University and is the author of two previous books: Lydia Maria Child: The Quest for Racial Justice and Reinventing Marriage: The Love and Work of Alice Freeman Palmer and George Herbert Palmer. She holds a doctorate in American Studies from Boston University and a Masters in Theological Studies from the Harvard Divinity School.
Roger Clark is a professor in the Sociology Department of Rhode Island College and has taught gender using a cross-cultural/historical approach for twenty years. He is the co-author with Emily Stier Adler of An Invitation to Social Research: How It’s Done, currently in its 5th edition, and is the author or co-author of more than 70 articles and book chapters, mostly on gender and gender inequality.
Desirée Ciambrone is a professor in the Sociology Department of Rhode Island College. She has taught courses titled "Unequal Sisters," which uses a multicultural feminist approach, and "Men, Women, and Bodies," which draws on her research in health care, aging, disability, HIV, and care-taking. She is the author of Women’s Experiences with HIV/AIDS: Mending Fractured Selves.