Roger A Speer Jr Author

Roger A. Speer Jr., is a graphic designer and educator who has served the Episcopal Church as professional youth minister for 20 years. Involved in the ministry of acolytes since childhood, he has facilitated this ministry at all levels: diocesan and General Convention, international Anglican worship, and acolyte training in Episcopal schools and churches of all sizes, spending a lifetime trying to figure out how best to train and equip acolytes. He is director of student ministry at Church of the Good Shepherd in Augusta, Georgia. SHARON ELY PEARSON is a Christian educator, editor, and author with 35+ years of experience in Christian formation on the local, judicatory, and church-wide level. Known for her knowledge of published curricula across the church, she has written or edited numerous books, including The Prayer Book Guide to Christian Education, 3rd edition; Call on Me: A Prayer Book for Young People; The Episcopal Christian Educator's Handbook; and Signed, Sealed, Delivered: Theologies of Confirmation for the 21st Century. She is a graduate of Virginia Theological Seminary and a lifelong Episcopalian. You can follow her at