Rodney Anderson Author

Rodney Anderson (Dallas, TX) is leading mortgage banker, radio show host, and frequent guest commentator on CNBC, FOX Business, and FOX News. He is quickly becoming a recognized authority on consumer credit and home ownship issues- with a reach to tens of thousands on a weekly basis. Rodney is the President and CEO of Rodney Anderson Lending Services and currently hosts the CBS radio show Saving Your Financial Life with Rodney Anderson. Rodney Anderson is also the national spokesperson for Applied Card Systems, Inc, a secured credit card product. The ongoing promotion will reach a potential listening audience of 79 million in the fall. Anderson is also the creator of the Credit 911 Medical Relief bill, a measure designed to protect consumers against unfair medical collections. He is working with lobbyists and plans to bring the bill before Congress. Through education, his company, radio show, and growing brand, Rodney is a strong prescence in the credit and finance sector.