Robin Sakina Mama Author

Kelly Ward, PhD, MSW, BSW has worked as a child care worker, administrator, and private practitioner before entering social work education over 20 years ago. Dr. Ward started her social work career in residential care beginning with an inpatient long term program for adolescents in Newark New Jersey and helping to start a MICA in-patient program for adults. She began her teaching career in 1994 as an Adjunct Professor while working as a clinician in private practice primarily working in addictions with teenagers and their families. She has written in the areas of social work education, as well as substance use and abuse issues. She has a strong passion for social work and teaching. Robin Sakina Mama, PhD, MLSP, MSS, BSW is the Dean of the School of Social Work at Monmouth University, in West Long Branch, New Jersey. A Full Professor at Monmouth, Dr. Mama teaches in the Global and Community Practice concentration of the MSW program. Her teaching and research interests are in human rights, field education, international social development and international social work. She serves as the representative of the International Federation of Social Workers to the United Nations in New York City and is the Chair of the International Committee of the National Association of Social Workers.