Robin Parry Author

Dr. Mary Healy (S.T.D., summa cum laude, Biblical Theology, Pontifical Gregorian University) is a biblical scholar and a member of the Mother of GodCommunity, a Catholic and ecumenical lay charismatic community. She is the author of New Catholic Commentary on Scripture, a mid-level multi-volume New Testament commentary series, co-edited with Peter Williamson. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic. First volumes forthcoming in 2008, The Bible and Epistemology: Biblical Soundings on the Knowledge of God. Co-edited with Robin Parry, Men and Women Are from Eden: A Study Guide to John Paul IIs Theology of the Body, Out of Egypt: Biblical Theology and Biblical Interpretation, (eds.) Craig Bartholomew, Mary Healy, Robin Parry and Karl Mller and Behind the Text: History and Biblical Interpretation, (eds.) Craig Bartholomew, Mary Healy, Murray Rae and Stephen Evans. Robin A. Parry (Ph.D., in Old Testament Narrative Ethics) was commissioning editor for Paternoster Press. His books include Old Testament Story and Christian Ethics: The Rape of Dinah as a Case Study; The Evangelical Universalist; Worshipping Trinity: Coming Back to the Heart of Worship and most recently Lamentations (Two Horizons Old Testament Commentary Series) He is the co-editor of numerous books including Universal Salvation? The Current Debate with Christopher J. Partridge; The Futures of Evangelicalism, and Canon And Biblical Interpretation (Scripture and Hermeneutics Series) . - Editorial Review.