Robin N Gibson Editor

Robin N. Gibson is an Honorary Research Fellow of the Scottish Association for Marine Science, Scottish Marine Institute, Oban, Scotland. His lifetime research interests have been in the ecology and behaviour of intertidal and shallow water marine fishes.

Richard D.M. Nash is a senior research scientist at the Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway. His research is mainly concerned with recruitment processes and the early life history dynamics of marine fishes. He has particular research interests in the dynamics of nursery grounds.

Audrey J. Geffen is a professor in the Department of Biology, University of Bergen, Norway. Her research is primarily concerned with fish growth in natural and culture environments. A significant aspect of her work involves theoretical and applied research on the growth and formation of fish otoliths, analysing the structure and composition as a record of life history.

Henk W. van der Veer is a senior scientist at the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, The Netherlands. His main research topics are related to fish recruitment, concentrating on flatfishes and the functioning of coastal nursery areas. His work is strongly focussed on field observations supported by and embedded in ecological theory, especially the Dynamic Energy Budget theory.