Human-Centered Design for Mining Equipment and New Technology
3 authors - Paperback
Professor Tim Horberry leads the Human Factors team at Monash University Accident Research Centre in Australia. He recently was a Senior Visiting Researcher on a ‘Safety in Design Ergonomics’ Fellowship at Cambridge University in England. Tim’s background is in human factors, safe design and transport/mining safety. Email [email protected]
Professor Robin Burgess-Limerick is Professorial Research Fellow at the Minerals Industry Safety and Health Centre, Sustainable Minerals Institute, The University of Queensland, Australia. Robin has been a qualified Ergonomist for over 20 years, and is a past-President and Fellow of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia.
Dr. Lisa Steiner is Associate Director of Science at the Pittsburgh Mining Research Division at the National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health, Pittsburgh, USA. She completed her PhD ‘Reducing Underground Coal Roof Bolting Injury Risks through Equipment Design’ at the University of Queensland, Australia in 2014.