Critical Infrastructure Protection
3 contributors - Paperback
Francesco Flammini received, with honors, his laurea (2003) and doctorate (2006) degrees in computer engineering from the University Federico II of Naples. Since October 2003, he has worked in Ansaldo STS (Finmeccanica) on the safety and security of rail-based transportation infrastructures. He has taught computer science and software engineering as an adjunct professor at the University of Naples, as well as seminars on computer dependability and critical infrastructure protection in postdegree courses on homeland security. He has coauthored several books and more than 50 scientific papers published in international journals and conference proceedings.
He has served as the chairman, a PC member, and an editor for several international conferences and journals. He is a senior member of the IEEE, an ACM Distinguished Speaker, and the vicechair of the IEEE Computer Society Italy Chapter. He is also a member of the European Workshop on Industrial Computer Systems Reliability, Safety and Security (EWICS TC7), FME (Formal Methods Europe), ERCIM WG on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems (FMICS), ESRA TC on Operational Safety & Security of Interconnected Critical Infrastructures, and IEEE SMC TC on Homeland Security.
Roberto Setola obtained his master of science in electronic engineering (1992) and PhD in electronic engineering and computer science (1996) from the University of Naples Federico II. He currently serves as a professor of automatic control at University CAMPUS BioMedico and head of the COSERITY Lab (Complex Systems & Security Lab). He is also the director of the master’s program for "Homeland security, systems and methods and tools for security and crisis management." Formerly a member of the Italian Prime Minister’s Office (1999–2004), Setola was the coordinator of the working group on critical information infrastructure protection established by the Italian Prime Minister (2003–2004), a member of the G8 Senior Expert CIIP Group (2002–2006), and an affiliate of the G8 working group on High-Tech Crime (2002–2004). Since 1992, Roberto, in collaboration with several universities and research centers, has presented numerous studies on many topics related to modeling, simulation, and control of complex networks and systems and the protection of critical infrastructures.
He has also been the coordinator of the EU DG JLS project SecuFood on the security of the food supply chain and coordinator of the EU DG HOME project FACIES on the automatic identification of failure/attack in critical infrastructures. Moreover, as leader of a specialized unit, Setola was involved in more than 12 national and international projects related to critical infrastructure protection and homeland security. Throughout his career, Roberto has coauthored 3 books, edited 3 books, been a guest editor of 3 special issues on international journals, been an editor in chief of 2 magazines, and coauthored roughly 130 scientific publications. Setola is a founding member and current general secretary of the "AIIC—Associazione Italiana esperti in Infrastrutture Critiche", senior member of the IEEE, and founding member of the IFIP 11.10 working group on critical infrastructure protection.
Giorgio Franceschetti is emeritus professor, University Federico II, Napoli, Italy, and distinguished visiting scientist, JPL. He has been adjunct professor, UCLA (1992–2008), visiting professor in many European and U.S. universities, and lecturer in China, India, and Somalia. He is the author of 12 books and of about 200 papers in international journals of recognized standard in the area of basic and applied electromagnetic theory, remote sensing, signal processing, and homeland security. He is also a life fellow of the IEEE and member of the Electromagnetic Society. Among many outstanding awards, he is recipient of the Gold Medal of the Italian Republic President (2001); the Marconi (1975), Philip Morris (1990), IEE London Mountbatten (1998), and IEEE AP-Society (1999 and 2008) Schelkunoff Prizes; and the IEEE GRS-Society (2007), the NASA Cassini Radar Team (2009), and the IEEE APS-Society (2010) Distinguished Achievement Awards. As honorary positions, he has been appointed Officer of the Italian Republic (2003) and Bruno Kessler Honorary Chair, University of Trento, Italy (2010).