Roberto Cavazos Author

Dwight Steward is Principal Economist at EmployStats, an economic and statistics consulting firm in Texas, USA. He has a PhD in Economics from the University of Iowa. Steward has provided expert witness testimony on economic and statistical analysis of Big Data in courts across the U.S. for over 20 years, and has also been a Senior Lecturer in the Economics and Finance departments at the University of Texas at Austin and the College of Business at Sam Houston State University.

Roberto Cavazos is Executive in Residence of the University of Baltimore Merrick School of Business Department of Decision Science and Information Systems in Maryland, USA.  He holds a PhD in Political Economy from the University of Texas.  He has worked as a researcher and consultant to governments, corporations and non-profits for over 20 years. He has been on the faculty of Florida International University and Carnegie Mellon University.  His work has been published in numerous academic journals and cited in media outlets such as Ad Age, CNBC, CBS News and others.