Meditations on the Tarot
Anonymous - Hardback
Jacques Dorsan (1912-2005) was born in Orléans, France. In 1936, he moved to the Ivory Coast, where he drew his first horoscope with his index finger on the sand at Grand Bassam beach a little before sunrise, when the planet Mercury was visible. It took him more than seven years before he began to do consultations. Wain Farrants studied psychology and mathematics at the University of Toronto. He ran the bookshop at Camphill Botton Village in Yorkshire, England for many years until his death in January 2014. Robert Powell was born in Reading and studied mathematics at the University of Sussex. He is a eurythmist and movement therapist living in Kinsau, Germany. Powell is the author of numerous books and articles and is a co-founder of the Sophia Foundation of North America.