Dynamic Physical Education for Secondary School Students
4 authors - Paperback
Timothy A. Brusseau, PhD, is an associate professor and director of health and kinesiology at the University of Utah. Tim is a national expert on school-based multicomponent interventions, particularly comprehensive school physical activity programs (CSPAPs). He has received numerous awards and recognition for his teaching and research. He has 128 peer-reviewed publications on the topics of physical education, physical activity, and health and has made more than 175 conference presentations on topics related to physical education and physical activity programs.
Heather Erwin, PhD, is department chair and a professor in the department of kinesiology and health promotion at the University of Kentucky. She is widely published in journals devoted to physical education and activity and has made more than 100 presentations to state, national, and international audiences on quality physical education programs and related topics. Heather also has been recognized throughout her career for her scholarship and teaching, most recently as a Teacher Who Made a Difference at the University of Kentucky and as KAHPERD’s University Physical Education Teacher of the Year in 2019.
Paul W. Darst is a professor emeritus at Arizona State University in the area of physical education teacher preparation. His research and teaching focus on secondary school physical education curriculum, methods of teaching in the secondary schools, and activity habits of middle and high school students. He has been active professionally at the state, district, and national levels of SHAPE America—formerly known as American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD)—and has received numerous honors and speaking invitations. In addition to coauthoring multiple editions of Dynamic Physical Education for Secondary School Students with Bob Pangrazi, Darst also authored Outdoor Adventure Activities for School and Recreation Programs (Waveland Press), Analyzing Physical Education and Sport Instruction (Human Kinetics), and Cycling (Scott, Foresman and Company, Sport for Life Series). He has written many articles and made numerous presentations to teachers on new ideas in teaching and on working with students.
Robert P. Pangrazi, PhD, taught for 31 years at Arizona State University in the department of exercise science and physical education and is now a professor emeritus. An honor fellow of SHAPE America—formerly known as American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD)—Dr. Pangrazi was also presented with that organization’s Margie Hanson Distinguished Service Award. Dr. Pangrazi is also a fellow in the American Kinesiology Association, formerly known as the Academy of Kinesiology and Physical Education. He is a best-selling author of numerous books and texts over the years, including multiple editions of Dynamic Physical Education for Elementary School Children and Dynamic Physical Education for Secondary School Children. He and Chuck Corbin coedited Toward a Better Understanding of Physical Fitness and Activity: Selected Topics for the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. In addition to numerous other books and texts, he has written many journal articles and scholarly papers for publication.