Sense and Nonsense about Heaven and Hell
2 authors - Paperback
Kenneth Boa is an author, speaker and the president of Reflections Ministries. He is the author of over fifty books including Conformed to His Image, 20 Compelling Evidences That God Exists, Face to Face and Faith Has Its Reasons. He is a contributing editor to the Open Bible, the Promise Keepers Men's Study Bible and the Leadership Bible, and is the consulting editor of the Zondervan NASB Study Bible. Boa earned a BS from Case Institute of Technology, a ThM from Dallas Theological Seminary, a PhD from New York University and a DPhil from the University of Oxford. Boa teaches a weekly Bible and Faith study at Peachtree Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, Georgia, where he resides with his wife. Robert M. Bowman Jr. (M.A., Fuller Theological Seminary; Ph.D. candidate, South African Theological Seminary) is the director of research for the Institute for Religious Research. His books include Jehovah?s Witnesses, The Word-Faith Controversy, Putting Jesus in His Place: The Case for the Deity of Christ (with J. Ed Komoszewski), and Faith Has Its Reasons (with Kenneth D. Boa). Bowman taught apologetics and biblical studies at Luther Rice Seminary for five years.