Robert K Noyd Author

Steven K. Jones is currently an Associate Professor of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership at the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA). He has taught for over 20 years in university and service academy classrooms. For the past 10 years, he has served as the Director of Academic Assessment in USAFA’s Center for Educational Excellence. He works closely with faculty across the institution on matters of effective course design, particularly as it pertains to assessment of course learning goals and departmental / institutional learning outcomes. His scholarly contributions are focused on the clear articulation, development, and assessment of institutional learning outcomes.

Robert K. Noyd is Professor of Biology at the U.S. Air Force Academy where he teaches botany, general biology, and senior seminar courses. He has taught for over 35 years in high school, community college, small college, university, and service academy classrooms. He has served as the Academy’s Director of Faculty Development and continues to write innovative educational materials and present workshops throughout the country on course design and learning-focused strategies. His new first edition biology textbook uses research-based principles of learning to motivate and inspire students nationwide.

Kenneth S. Sagendorf is the founding Director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) and a Professor at Regis University – a Jesuit University in Denver, CO, USA. He holds degrees in biology (B.S.), applied exercise physiology (M.S.), and College Science Teaching (Ph.D.). In his 20 years in higher education, he has worked as a faculty member and administrator at four academic institutions – from small state schools to research institutions to the United States Air Force Academy. His own scholarship focuses on creating environments and cultures conducive to student learning – at the lesson, course, program, and curricular levels. His publications include books on incorporating disability into the college classroom and curriculum and promoting academic integrity through classroom instruction.