Phased Array Antenna Handbook
Robert J Mailloux - Hardback
Robert J. Mailloux received the BS degree in electrical engineering from Northeastern University, Boston, MA in 1961 and the SM and Ph.D degrees at Harvard University, Cambridge MA in 1962 and 1965 respectively. Currently he is a Research Professor at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst MA, and a member of the staff of Photonic Systems Inc.. He is a retired Senior Scientist at the Sensors Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory, Hanscom Air Force Base, MA, and now working with University of Massachusetts on a research contract with the Air Force Research Laboratory. He has served as the Chief of the Antennas and Components Division, Rome Laboratory and as a physicist at the Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratory. He is the author or co-author of numerous journal articles, book chapters, 13 patents and the book Phased Array Handbook (Norwood MA; Artech House 1994) and co-editor of the book History of Wireless, with colleagues T. Sarkar, A. Oliner, M. Salazar-Palma and D. Gupta. His research interests are in the area of periodic structures and antenna arrays. He is a Life Fellow of the IEEE. Dr. Mailloux was President of the Antennas and Propagation Society in 1983, and in 1992 he received the IEEE Harry Diamond Memorial Award. He received two IEEE AP-S Honorable Mention Best Paper Awards and recently received the IEEE Third Millennium Medal and received the AP-S Distinguished Technical Achievement Award in 2005. He is a member of Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, Sigma Xi, and Commission B of the International Scientific Radio Union. He has received four Air Force Research Laboratory “Best Paper” awards, the “Engineer of the Year” award, and is an AFRL Fellow. He has been a distinguished Lecturer for the Antenna and Propagation Society and is currently chairman of the AP-S/IEEE Press Liaison Committee.