Robert G Maliva Editor & Author

Dr. Maliva has been a consulting hydrogeologist since 1992 and is currently a Principal Hydrogeologist with Schlumberger Water Services USA Inc. He is currently based in Fort Myers, Florida. Dr. Maliva specializes in groundwater resources development including alternative water supply, managed aquifer recharge, and desalination projects.

Robert G. Maliva completed his Ph.D. in geology at Harvard University in 1988. He also has a Masters degree from Indiana University (Bloomington) and a BA in geological sciences and biological sciences from the State University of New York at Binghamton. Upon completion of his doctorate degree, Dr. Maliva has held research positions in the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Cambridge, England, and the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science of the University of Miami, Florida. He grew up in New York City and attended Stuyvesant High School in Manhattan. 

Dr. Maliva has also managed or performed numerous other types of water resources and hydrologic investigations including contamination assessments, environmental site assessments, water supply investigations, wellfield designs, and alternative water supply investigations. He has maintained his research interests and completed studies on such diverse topics Precambrian silica diagenesis, aquifer heterogeneity, precipitates in landfill leachate systems, carbonate diagenesis, and various aspects of the geology of Florida. Dr. Maliva gives frequent technical presentations and has numerous peer-reviewed papers and conference proceedings publications on ASR and injection well and water-supply issues, hydrogeology, and carbonate geology and diagenesis. He coauthored the books Aquifer Storage and Recovery and Managed Aquifer Recharge Using Wells: Planning, Hydrogeology, Design, and Operation and Arid Lands Water Evaluation and Management.