Robert Field - Paperback
Mosaic as a medium for artistic expression has been to the forefront of Robert Field's creative life for more than a decade. Before taking early retirement from teaching, during which time he had held various Art and Craft posts, he started travelling widely in the Roman world studying and photographing mosaics. This took him to Italy, North Africa and the Near East, Cyprus and Spain and later in search of Norman mosaics in Sicily and to Greece and Turkey to see Byzantine examples. Following this he began to study Victorian and modern mosaics which he has examined and photographed extensively in Britain as well as in Europe and America. In addition to being a founder member of the British Association for Modern Mosaic (BAMM) he also served for a number of years on the committee of the Association for the Study and Preservation of Roman Mosaics (ASPROM) and is a member of L'Association Internationale pour l'etude de la Mosaique Antique (AIEMA) whose conferences he has attended at a variety of venues around the world.A successful author, Robert Field has written six books on geometric patterns which have sold many thousands copies world-wide. These are used by many people as a source of creative design in subjects as diverse as embroidery, patio paving, knitwear and quilt making.