Robert Cummings Neville is Dean of Marsh Chapel andProfessor of Religion, Philosophy and Theology at Boston University.
The Truth of Broken Symbols
Robert Cummings Neville - Paperback
Religion in Late Modernity
The T'ai-Chi Ch'uan Experience
Sophia Delza - Paperback
A Theology Primer
Metaphysics of Goodness
Defining Religion
Religion in Multidisciplinary Perspective
2 contributors - Paperback
2 contributors - Hardback
The Good Is One, Its Manifestations Many
Robert Cummings Neville - Hardback
Seasons of the Christian Life
Nurture in Time and Eternity
On the Scope and Truth of Theology
Symbols of Jesus
The Human Condition
Eternity and Time's Flow
Ritual and Deference
Realism in Religion