Robert Clarisó Author

Santi Caballé is a full professor at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) based in Barcelona, Spain. He holds a PhD, Master's, and Bachelor’s in computing engineering from the UOC where he teaches on-line courses on software engineering and conducts research activity on the interdisciplinary field of learning engineering by combining e-learning, artificial intelligence, software engineering and distributed computing. He has over 250 peer-reviewed publications, including 15 books, 60 papers in indexed journals, and 150 conference papers. Professor Caballé has led and participated in over 30 national and international research projects and has been involved in the organization of many international research events. He also serves as editor for books and special issues of leading international journals. Dr. Robert Clarisó is an Associate Professor of IT, Multimedia and Telecommunications Department at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC). His current research interests include research interests include Formal Methods, Software Engineering and Tools for E-Learning. He currently serves as Academic Director of Computing Engineering .