From Snapshots to Social Media - The Changing Picture of Domestic Photography
2 authors - Hardback
Risto Sarvas is a Research Scientist working on personal media technologies in the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Finland. He has a doctorate in Computer Science and Engineering for the Helsinki University of Technology, TKK. His thesis was on human-centric design of metadata for snapshot photography, and it was awarded by the Finnish Information Processing Association as the best in 2006, and it was also a finalist for the ERCIM Cor Baayen Award 2007. He was a visiting scholar at the University of California, Berkeley in 2002-3. His research focuses on building new medial technology for domestic use and understanding the social implications of domestic information and communication technologies. Risto was a Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Surrey, UK, during 2009.
David Frohlich is Director of Digital World Research Centre at the University of Surrey and Professor of Interaction Design. He joined the Centre in January 2005 to establish a new research agenda on user-centered innovation for the consumer market. Prior to that he worked as Senior Research Scientist at HP Labs. He was involved in the launch of HP's very first digital photography products in 1996 and has been tracking and researching this area since then. As well as conducting numerous user studies of photographic behaviours, David has co-authored a number of digital photography patents, most notably on the combination and printing of sound with photographs. He is author of Audiophotography: Bringing Photos to Life with Sounds. David has a PhD in Psychology from the University of Sheffield and is founding editor of the international journal Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. David has also held visiting positions at the Royal College of Art and the Universities of York and Manchester.