Rinad S Beidas Editor

Rinad S. Beidas, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry at the Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania. She is a senior fellow in the Leonard Davis Institute, as well as a fellow in the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) funded Implementation Research Institute (IRI). Dr. Beidas is also an alumnus fellow of the National Institutes of Health funded Training Institute in Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (TIDIRH), and the NIMH funded Child Intervention and Prevention Services (CHIPS) Fellowship. Philip C. Kendall, PhD, ABPP, is Distinguished University Professor and Laura H. Carnell Professor of Psychology at Temple University. Dr. Kendall has garnered several prestigious awards including Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, the inaugural Research Recognition Award from the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, the Great Teacher award from Temple University, and Outstanding Contribution by an Individual for Educational/Training Activities from ABCT.