Jack's Acrobatics
2 authors - Hardback
In 1993, Rika founded Cirkus in Beweging [Circus in Movement], the very first Flemish circus school. It's where she developed circomotorics, a playful form of exercise based on a mixture of acrobatics and Veronica Sherborne's developmental movement learning. Circomotorics is all about having fun and maintaining the physical contact between parents and kids. For more than twenty years, Rika has been getting up very early every Saturday morning to give more than one hundred children lessons in making somersaults and building pyramids with their dads, mums, grandmothers or grandfathers. As a child Laura preferred walking on her hands to walking on her feet. She was one of Rika Taeymans' first pupils and loved swinging on the trapeze. After ten years of practice, she became Rika's colleague in circomotorics. Nowadays, she prefers writing to swinging on the trapeze. Together with Rika, she decided to write down some of the exercises so that many more children would have the chance to enjoy these exciting games.