Rick Levine Author

Rick Levine is the founder of Seth Ellis Chocolatier. He was previously Web Architect for Sun Microsystems' Java Software group. Christopher Locke blogs Mystic Bourgeoisie and Entropy Gradient Reversals from Boulder, Colorado. Doc Searls is Senior Editor of Linux Journal, and a fellow at Harvard's Berkman centre for Internet & Society. David Weinberger is a fellow at Harvard's Berkman centre and author of Everything Is Miscellaneous. Jake McKee is the principal and chief Ant Wrangler at Ant's Eye View, and he was previously global community relations specialist for the LEGO Company. JP Rangaswami is chief information officer of British Telecom's global IT services business. Dan Gillmor is the director of the Knight centre for Digital Media Entrepreneurship at Arizona State University's Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication.