Rick Bunch Author

Mark Starik is a Professor of Strategic Management and Public Policy at the George Washington University (USA) School of Business and the Director of its Environmental and Social Sustainability Initiative. He is a co-founder of the Academy of Management Organisations and the Natural Environment (ONE) interest group and Co-Editor of the journal Organization and Environment. Sanjay Sharma is a Professor of Strategy and Sustainability at Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada. He is the past chair of the Organisations and the Natural Environment interest group at the Academy of Management. His research focuses on processes via which organisations can develop capabilities to generate innovations in products, processes and business models for sustainable corporate strategies. Carolyn Egri is a Professor of Management and Organisation Studies in the Faculty of Business at Simon Fraser University. She has significant experience in executive leadership development in Asia, Europe and North America. Carolyn has been a director of the Organisational Behaviour Teaching Society and the Vancouver Folk Music Festival Society, as well as Chair of the Organisations and the Natural Environment Interest Group of the Academy of Management. Rick Bunch is executive director of Bainbridge Graduate Institute (BGI), which offers a ground-breaking MBA in Sustainable Business. From 1996 to 2003, he was director of business education at World Resources Institute in Washington, DC. Previously, he was executive director of the Washington Public Interest Research Group (WashPIRG), a grass-roots environmental and consumer protection organisation based in Seattle.