Synthesis Gas Combustion
3 contributors - Hardback
Tim Lieuwen, Ph.D., P.E., is an associate professor in aerospace engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology. Dr. Lieuwen performs research in areas relating to clean combustion technologies and alternative fuels. He is an associate editor of Journal of Propulsion and Power, Combustion Science and Technology, and the Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. He is also on the editorial review board of the AIAA Publication Committee. Dr. Lieuwen has been the recipient of a variety of teaching awards, best paper awards, and the AIAA Lawrence Sperry Award.
Vigor Yang is William R. T. Oakes Professor and Chair of the School of Aerospace Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology. He also serves as the editor-in-chief of Journal of Propulsion and Power. He is the author and editor of several books on propulsion and combustion.
Richard Yetter is a professor of mechanical engineering at the Pennsylvania State University. He has conducted research in the fields of combustion and propulsion for more than 30 years. He is co-author of the fourth edition of Combustion and serves as editor-in-chief of Combustion Science and Technology.